Q: “Where are you located?”
A: “We are located at 5121 Collin McKinney Parkway in McKinney, TX”
Q: “What are your service times?”
A: “Sundays at 9:00AM, 11:00AM and 1:00 PM”
Q: Do you have services for kids at all services?
A: All services have children’s ministry Pre-k through 5h grade. The middle school students meet at the 1100AM service and High School meets at the 9:00AM service
Q: Do you have a nursing mom’s room?
A: No, not at this time
Q: How should I dress?
A: As long as you have clothes on, you’re good. No need to dress up.
Q: How do I give?
A: You can drop your tithe or offering in any drop box located at each entrance or you can give online at our website at www.TheWorshipCenter.com would you like me to text you a link?
Q: What denomination are you?
A: We are a non denominational church
Q: Who is your senior pastor?
A: “Our senior pastor is John Smith”
Q: What do you believe?
A: Our statement of faith and beliefs are on our website located at www.TheWorshipCenterDemo.com
Q: do you believe in LGTBQ rights?
A: Please refer to our website for our statement of beliefs